Saturday, 14 July 2007

Everything is going well

I mean about this poor-two-buyer's protocol. But that keeps me busy.

I think good designers of application-level protocols should not worry about details --- but I think what people are doing with current CDL is roughly isomorphic --- rather crudely roughly isomorphic --- to something close to part of an optimal picture.

In other words I have a lot of reservations but I may be perhaps one of the people who know very well about its virtue: and perhaps we can be a little greedy about virtue.

Nothing is without side effects. This does not mean we should not have a moral judgement in our daily life. All our judgements are sort of stupid. But it does not prevent us from seeing something is very stupid and perhaps also from our trying to do our best.

Even if that understanding may not be understood by many --- and even the most wise can be stupid in some other aspects.

We are human and limited. Such a limited being... But let us do our best: and let's believe in that we can try to reach something very good. And let's also appreciate what we have, ourselves and our history, since (as Hegel says) they are there with reasons and (as some scientist would say) that is perhaps the most pragmatic way (and that scientist told me we should be practical about pragmatism: indeed sometimes we need idealism not from cynicism but because it is really something we should cling to; for example sometimes we should argue for equality of humans and we know no two human are equal: but we do need an ideal sometimes: not of course to make us human more stupid, even crazier --- and we know that an ideal was, and is being, used numerous times that way --- well the idea is to use ideals to make ourselves a little more wiser at each step as we proceed, we should not believe too much but some basic faith in our ability to proceed is not bad to have).

If the readers of this blog have any doubt, let's enumerate two things which are good: natural numbers and the pi-calculus (and I know Turing got very excited when he found his machine as recorded in his letter to his mother).

So one can find a good thing. One can know and identify that something is very good. We can surely do good things. So let's try to do good things and make the best of our life ... and in the present context let's design a very good language for scribbling conversational interactions.