Alice -> Bob: integer;We have seen that there can be a sequencing at the source (sender) without having the corresponding sequencing in the targets (receivers). A simple variant of this is:
Alice -> Carol: integer;
Alice -> Bob: integer;In this case even though it is written in a sequential order the sending itself cannot be done in this order: it is done by different senders so that it is most natural to consider this is just a way to write: the same thing can be written as:
Dave -> Carol: integer;
Dave -> Carol: integer;This seems to invalidate the idea of "sequencing": anyway we often wish to write down interactions as they come into our mind, so let's not worry. Our "not worrying" in fact means something like the following: if we scribble
Alice -> Bob: integer;
Alice -> Bob: integer;and this is the whole conversation then we as a reader consider it as meaning the conversation
Dave -> Carol: integer;
Bob -> Alice: string;
Alice -> Bob: integer;and the conversation:
Bob -> Alice: string;
Dave -> Carol: integer;done in parallel. This "in parallel" can be written as
parallel {
Alice -> Bob: integer;
Bob -> Alice: string;
} and {
Dave -> Carol: integer;
which means there are two conversations in parallel: one may consider this is a "normal form" of the original three lines. In the new, and more verbose, presentation, the conversation as a whole is given as the parallel composition of smaller conversations each of which is now sequenced. For example
Alice -> Bob: integer;
Bob -> Alice: string;
is sequenced depicting the situation Alice first sends Bob an integer and then Bob sends Alice a string.
Looks ad-hoc? Well there is a simple rule underlying all this. That rule says: if
(1) Alice (say) appears in one line and
(2) Alice appears in a later line (combined by the sequencing semicolon ";")
then Alice's respective actions are in fact sequenced.
So in particular if we write
Alice -> Bob: integer;then we assume Alice sends to Bob one integer then she sends to him a string: there is indeed a sequencing.
Alice -> Bob: string;
In the next post we consider further (and somewhat subtle) examples of asynchrony.