Gary gave me a real auction example (the original one he did not put it in the auction setting: it is I who did so. Then (after Andrew's discussions: and he has an example of many staged interaction with a Greek chorus and which is about Destiny of Human: and then he also knows somebody from Chrstie so I think he likes antique; some people do like it; then Gary gave us a better way to describe auction interaction which partly uses Andrew's idea; which I wish to take up now).
However due to lack of time I only give its informal description:
(1) Auction announces the good (an old Georgian chair with signature of Shakespeare)
(2) Everybody got angry
No that is not that suppose everybody anyway decided to do a bidding
(2) Each bidder will go into a loop of sending his or her bids; may repeat zero time or once or many times. Of course each time Auctioneer should say something and say "that number of 10 pounds" etc I think (that bit unclear to me)
(3) When some fixed time has passed the auction is done and Auctioneer will announce the winnder (do we say winner)
So what we take up in the next post is to describe this example in our conversation type (signature), as a protocol. Then we may also be able to discuss a bit about how we can elaborate it as a model --- which can have more information but still declaratively.